Dear UJAA Family and Friends,

At this time of year, we pause to reflect and to give thanks.  As we continue to endure through the COVID-19 pandemic, let us care for ourselves and those we love by caring for the whole person — mind, body, and spirit – by practicing positivity, gratitude and prayer.

Positivity: A Source of Light in Dark Times

Positive thinking can increase confidence, reduce stress, and promote healthy behaviors. These benefits then translate into better outcomes in people with chronic conditions and general longevity.

Gratitude: Celebrating the Good in Every Day

When we choose to be positive, we become aware of the things in our lives that are good. That naturally leads us into opportunities to express gratitude for the things that we do have.

Prayer: A Powerful Connection

How do we express gratitude? Prayer. Prayer is for more than just saying ‘thank you’ to God or our Higher Power. Prayer is also an opportunity to lift up our concerns, hopes, and needs to Him who genuinely cares about us.

We offer this prayer for you and yours during this season of Thanksgiving:

“Creator God, be near to us.
When we’re uncertain, offer us comfort.
When we’re afraid, give us courage.
We give you thanks for all of the good things in our lives.
We ask for help with the things that aren’t so good.
We pray for our community in the midst of this pandemic, that everyone would stay safe and healthy.
Be with our leaders, and help them to make good decisions.
Thank you for your love.

Blessings to you all for a safe and healthy Thanksgiving!

UJAA Board of Directors
Lesleyann, Donovan, Melanie, Karlene, Clair, Wilbert, Dwight, Natasha, Evelyn, Claudette, Michael



If you have events planned – virtual or otherwise, please send them to (as a PDF or JPG) so that we can post on our website.

Nov. 28  –  Cornwall College OBA Annual Fundraiser Event 2020
Nov. 28  –  Merl Grove HS PSA Virtual Stand up Comedy Show
Dec. 01  –  WOGA #GivetoWestwoodJA on Giving Tuesday Save The Date
Dec. 03  –  WOGA Leadership Masterclass Series Part 4 – Conflict Management: The Communication Dynamics
Dec. 04  –  York Castle AA Yorkist Virtual Fundraising Party
Dec. 05  –  Excelsior Alumni Online Sinting
Dec. 05  –  Immaculate Conception HS AA NY 35th Anniversary “Virtual” Celebration


Stay Tuned for Information re:

UJAA Laptop and Tablet Project

Thanksgiving Project “Virtual Pass the Hat”

2020 Year In Review

2021 Mega Raffle


  • Wear your mask and practice social distancing.
  • Keep our front-line workers in your thoughts and prayers.
  • Stay connected!  Do conference call check-ins!  Connect with family and friends and have a virtual party or trivia night!
  • Support Jamaican businesses!

One luv,

President, UJAA
(301) 704-6307



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