Good morning fellow UJAA Presidents and Members,
Today is Labor Day in Jamaica. A number of UJAA Board members are at Industry Cove Basic School (ICBS) in Hanover working to give the school a facelift. This Labor Day project was made possible through the generous donations of several persons and organizations.
- STATHS Alumni North East donated over $800.
- The Primary Schools team has donated over $400. A special thank you to New Day, Shortwood, York Street, Lime Hall, Rosemount and Beulah. Their contribution is really appreciated as we undertake this drive to deliver for “our school.”
Let us pray for the safety of our team members as they work for the good of our young ones. Ansell, Melanie, Wilbert, Milton Baker et al, we are so proud of you!
This weekend is jam-packed with events! It is our Memorial Day week-end here in the USA, and it is my hope that you will attend as many events as you can as the organizations seek to raise funds to continue to support their schools in Jamaica.
Team Jamaica Bickle (TJB) Labor of Love Breakfast – this Saturday morning at 9:30am (see attached flyer). Your $40 donation will go a long way towards getting more defibrillators for our schools. Please come out and join us as we support this worthy cause.
UTECH/CAST Gala – this Saturday evening at 7:00pm (see attached flyer). Tickets are $139 and while I am proud of being an honoree, your financial support means a lot more as the group seeks to rebuild itself even while contributing to our Alma Mater.Wolmers AA NY – Founder’s Day Service – this Sunday, May 26th at 11 AM at Grace Baptist Church, 52 South 6th Ave, Mount Vernon, NY. Please attend if you can as they commemorate the 295th Anniversary of the founding of the school. All are invited!
I am almost sure that I missed some other events, so let me apologize in advance. To everyone who will be out and about this weekend, I wish you love, joy and happiness as we pray for a safe, fun-filled weekend. The unofficial start of Summer is here!
Remember, the Union is stronger than all of us as individuals, and always must be.
Donovan Wilson
Union of Jamaican Alumni Associations (USA) Inc. (UJAA)
Cell: (917) 972-5502
“Education is Empowerment; Only the Educated are Free”