Christmas Holidays Wishes to You and Your Family
Dear Friend:
The UJAA Board of Directors would like to wish you Happy Holidays! This is the time of year when we celebrate in many ways. Whether we say Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy Hannukah or Happy Kwanzaa we are expressing our gratitude for many blessings.
For many of us as Jamaicans this is a time to return home to be with family. When that is not possible, we find creative ways to celebrate the spirit of the season and maintain the traditions that we are accustomed to from back home. We wish you love, happiness, and joy for this special season. May your holidays be bright, and your stockings be filled with goodies. In true UJAA fashion, let us continue to give back to others even as we pause to celebrate this season. We are truly blessed, and we have much to be thankful for. So let us give thanks right throughout the holiday season!

UJAA Board 2023-2024
Donovan Wilson, President
Michael Salmon, Vice President
Melanie Forrest-George, Recording Secretary
Karlene Largie, Corresponding Secretary
Clair Menzies-Forbes, Treasurer
Ansell Williams, Assistant Treasurer
Paula Morris, Director
Evelyn Godden, Director
Dwight Clarke, Director
Milton Baker, Director
Wilbert Davis, Director
Lesleyann Samuel, Immediate Past President
Union of Jamaican Alumni Associations (USA) Inc. (UJAA)
229-19 Merrick Blvd # 141 I Springfield Gardens NY 11413
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