Fellow Alumni Members, Greetings! Graduation Season is about to begin for some, and for those who have college age kids or grand kids it may even have begun already. So we are all super busy. As you should know, this
President’s Weekly Message – Thursday April 11, 2024
Dear UJAA Presidents and Members, The past few months have been quite hectic for all of us. As a result, there has been no President’s Message or other messages from your Board Members. Today, I want to highlight several things
A Message from the President – General Meeting and Presidents Roundtable Meeting Date Changes
Fellow UJAA Members, A pleasant good day to you all and best wishes as we move through the first month of 2024. There are a few changes that we need to share with you. We are excited about this year

Good evening UJAA Members and Diaspora Partners…. Happy New Year! Please view our New Year’s Message – YIR video at the link below. Donovan Wilson PresidentUnion of Jamaican Alumni Associations USA Inc
UJAA (USA) Inc – Merry Christmas!!!

UNION OF JAMAICAN ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONS (U.S.A.) INC. Christmas Holidays Wishes to You and Your Family Dear Friend: The UJAA Board of Directors would like to wish you Happy Holidays! This is the time of year when we celebrate in many ways. Whether we