Fellow UJAA Members, Today is the first day of March. Our Executive Board has been in place for just about six months. We have been working hard on your behalf, and as we look towards the end of the COVID19
UJAA Weekly Message

Fellow UJAA Members, Today is the first day of March. Our Executive Board has been in place for just about six months. We have been working hard on your behalf, and as we look towards the end of the COVID19
Dear UJAA Family, As we continue our quest in life, we must first give God thanks for the blessing of another week and then collect ourselves as we plot the path towards actualizing our goals. Recent experiences have shown us
Greetings UJAA Family! Happy New Year! May 2023 be an extraordinary year for you and yours and the Union! Dr Martin Luther King Jr said, “Education must enable a man to become more efficient, achieve with increasing facility the legitimate
Greetings my UJAA family: As we usher in the New Year let us give thanks to the almighty for preservation of good health and good life to those of us who survived the wrath of the pandemic. We were quarantined
Greetings UJAA Family, As 2022 draws to a close, it is a time for many of us to reflect on all that the year brought us, and to move into 2023 with our New Year’s Resolutions. It is a time