Dear UJAA Family, Happy Holidays! This is a very special time of the year when we celebrate and enjoy the company of our family and friends. Whether we say Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy Hannukah or Happy Kwanza we are expressing our many blessings and
With Gratitude at Thanksgiving

Brothers and Sisters in Service of our fellow Jamaicans, Today we pause to give thanks for another American Thanksgiving Day. Many of us migrated to these United States years ago, but our hearts never left our Beloved Jamaica. Turkey and stuffing became
Celebrating Jamaica National Alumni Day
Esteemed UJAA Members and Alumni Associations, Today the UJAA Membership Committee is delighted to address you on another celebration of Jamaica National Alumni Day. This occasion holds immense significance, uniting us in a shared celebration of our Jamaican heritage, the
Weekly Message – The Singapore Robotics Edition
Fellow UJAA Members, Greetings and salutations on this early Fall Friday! We are very happy to report that despite the challenges Team Jamaica Robotics arrived in Singapore yesterday. The team of six students, two coaches and two UJAA chaperones was able to
UJAA Weekly Message – Donovan Wilson, President

Fellow Presidents and Colleagues, Greetings as we move into Summer! The season will officially begin in a few days. We have a packed slate over the next few weeks and I hope that you will all have fun while we