Fellow UJAA Members,
Today is the first day of March. Our Executive Board has been in place for just about six months. We have been working hard on your behalf, and as we look towards the end of the COVID19 pandemic we are optimistic that we will continue to do well together. I want to highlight two things this week.
So far almost 30 organizations have completed the steps required for us to get ready to print their Mega Drawing tickets. We have about ten more to go.
Your Year In Review stories are overdue. Please submit them as soon as possible.
Finally, our Penn Relays bus ride will take place again this year. Tickets are $65 for the bus and $60 for your Penn ticket. Prices go up after March 31st.

Until next week, Walk good as Miss Lou would say.
Donovan Wilson
Union of Jamaican Alumni Associations (USA) Inc. (UJAA)
Email: President@ujaausa.org
Cell: (917) 972-5502
“Education is Empowerment; Only the Educated are Free”