Water Tanks
This project was launched on December 6, 2006 in Kingston, Jamaica in partnership with Rototech International, Inc. (now Rhino Jamaica Ltd.) to provide Basic Schools throughout Jamaica with a regular supply of running water during the school day.
The venue selected for the launch was the Liberty Hall Center in Kingston where the Marcus Garvey Museum is housed. The first tanks were installed on the roof where they remain today. At the time the tanks were available in two sizes – 650 gallons and 800 gallons. The project plan included the purchase and distribution of 175 water tanks. Today, only 800-gallon tanks are given away. To date, over 250 tanks have been given to basic and infant schools across the island. (US$47,000.00).
In celebration of Jamaica’s Diamond Jubilee of Independence, UJAA will be giving away 60 tanks in 2022.
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