My fellow volunteers,
April is National Volunteers Month. As you can observe from UJAA’s Facebook page, this month we have been celebrating non-board members. We cannot highlight everyone, but I hope you are all taking pride in your national recognition. We are all, I am sure, members of more than one organization – UJAA, your own alumni association, your church and other nonprofit organizations. Give yourself a hand or as Miss Lou would say “clap yuh self”.
We are all grateful for what we have and we have chosen to give back. This is something to be very proud about every single day. I am sure growing up we all would have liked someone to take an interest in us, and mentor and support us. We are giving some young person what we did not have and they will never forget it. Great job everyone! Thank you for taking time out of your schedule and life to share your talents.
Have a wonderful week! Enjoy Penn Relays if you decide to go. If you are interested, UJAA still has Penn Relay tickets and space on the bus for you to ride with us. Please give us a call and get your tickets.
I want to leave you with words from one of my favorite poets – Miss Louise Bennett
Clair Menzies-Forbes
UJAA Treasurer
Union of Jamaican Alumni Associations (USA) Inc. (UJAA)
“Education is Empowerment; Only the Educated are Free”