Fellow UJAA Presidents and Supporters,
The past week has been filled with events and preparation for upcoming events. Today I will highlights some of the “happenings” as our organization continues to work hard to educate and empower.
The Inaugural UJAA-MLK Jr Award. Last night we handed out the inaugural UJAA-MLK Jr Award to Xaria Rockhead of Elmont Memorial High School. Vice President Michael Salmon, Directors Evelyn Godden and Milton Baker, and myself attended the event. A check for $500 was presented to the winner, a graduating senior, along with a beautiful certificate created by Marketing and Public Relations (MPR) Vice Chair Dr. Paula Morris. She also received a basket of UJAA goodies and gift cards, prepared by Evelyn to help her on her journey to college. Well done team!
FIRST Lego League (FLL) Competition 2024. The work continues as the teams prepare for the FLL scrimmage at Jamaica College on June 15th and the finals at UWI Mona on June 29th. Look at the joyous smiles on the faces of the kids at Barracks Road Primary! Visit our Facebook page for more pictures. More to come!

Leadership Development Academy (LDA) 2024.Registration is now open for LDA 2024. Speakers will be announced shortly and we look forward to a full house on Zoom. The registration flyer is attached.
UJAA Summer Gala. Do you remember when we would dress up and go to the Mega Drawing? That event is back this year, billed as our Summer Gala. Do not miss your chance to purchase early bird tickets as space will be limited to 240 persons. Wow!! Your Board has been very busy! More to come next week.
Donovan Wilson
Union of Jamaican Alumni Associations (USA) Inc. (UJAA)
Email: President@ujaausa.org
Cell: (917) 972-5502
“Education is Empowerment; Only the Educated are Free”