Good morning UJAA Members and Friends,
FLL Scrimmage today. Today the Primary Schools First Lego League (FLL) teams for robotics, led by Evelyn Godden will have their scrimmage matches at Jamaica College. This is the final preparation event prior to the FLL Finals on Saturday June 29th at the University of the West Indies (Mona). We wish everyone a successful and meaningful day, and ask that those who are in Jamaica and able to attend go out and support the teams. Go luck to all!
High School Graduates Awards (HSGA) 2024. The June 12th deadline has passed for applications. Stay tuned for more information on the Zoom ceremony as we drive towards the event on the evening of June 24th..
Leadership Development Academy (LDA) 2024. Wednesday June 26 will be Session 1 of LDA 2024. Please register using the link below if you have not done so already. You may also click on the REGISTER button on the attached flyer.
Mega Summer Gala. And now for the big one! Tickets can now be purchased for the Summer Mega Gala beginning TODAY. Please make sure to include Mega Summer Gala Ticket(s) in the memo when you make your payment. Your tickets will be ready for you at the door on the night of the event. No tickets will be sold or payments collected at the door! SPACE IS LIMITED TO 240 SO PURCHASE YOUR TICKETS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. THE EARLY BIRD PRICE ENDS ON JUNE 30TH.
Until next week….Remember, the Union is stronger than all of us as individuals, and always must be.

Donovan Wilson
Union of Jamaican Alumni Associations (USA) Inc. (UJAA)
Cell: (917) 972-5502
“Education is Empowerment; Only the Educated are Free”