President’s Message

Welcome to the Union of Jamaican Alumni Associations (USA) Inc website! I hope that you will take some time to visit the various pages and provide feedback to us. We are known to many simply as UJAA, and on September 7th we celebrated our 34th anniversary. Time certainly flies and we have been fortunate to do so much over the years for our schools back home! We undertook several programs that I am extremely proud to have been a part of, even as we faced lingering COVID19 concerns.
UJAA remains a beacon of hope for many students in Jamaica. This year we had the second edition of the FIRST Lego League robotics competition for primary schools. We have continued our support for Robotics in general in Jamaica. Despite COVID19, our member organizations continue to persevere and to maintain a firm belief in the mission and vision of our union. Kudos to everyone who contributed and continue to contribute to the cause!
The Union of Jamaican Alumni Associations (USA) Inc, (UJAA), has been giving back to education since 1990. We believe that without education no one can be truly free. We believe that it is critical to show concern for others. Our unwavering commitment to giving back continues to drive us all to new heights. I urge you to remain steadfast in your commitment to do well. Remember that membership in UJAA is a testament to shared values and our untiring commitment to giving back.
I hope you enjoy browsing site and will come back regularly!
You may email me directly at or contact our web team at if you have feedback.