Operation Restoration Christian School
June 2021 Update – The Journey Continues
We have to press on amidst challenges 😐
Through our sponsors we continue to bless our students and their families with care packages.
** Dear friends
Evil exists all around us but in under-resourced communities like Trench Town it feels less sophisticated, intelligent or covered up. It’s just raw and senseless. The culture of these communities socializes its young men to become criminal so despite numerous interventions so many of our young men get caught up in crime.
Last week saw Trench Town back in the news with the senseless killing of young Damoya Hall a 16 year old girl from 3rd Street in the community. Now there are reports of threats being made that young girls will be the target.
Damoya’s younger brother is a student at our school and we have been working closely with him for the past two years. Like his sister he is fun loving and caring but loves to tease and make trouble. This young man has improved so much in his time here. Like many persons in the community he has relatives mixed up in violence and he came to school with that identity and reputation which manifested itself in how he treats other students and his respect for authority. Now however, those incidents occur less often. More and more we have been seeing positive signs of maturity.
I believe his improvement is related to the love, care and guidance he receives at our school. However, with the murder of his sister, he now has to deal with the negative thoughts of revenge and people who will easily place a gun in his hands.
I ask that you pray for this young man and for us as we continue to fight for him. Pray for our school as we fight for victory for our students.
Friends you know this school is special and you all are apart of the journey. Since 2017, I have been travelling to the UK and to the USA raising funds. I was schedule to travel to the UK in April 2020. Now, without being able to fundraise, donations coming in have finally taken a turn for the worse. This is due to one main donor who has been consistent and faithful for two and a half years but had to stop their donation to us. Donations are down US$1000.00 per month. This has adversely affected our ability to pay salaries.
The ORCS board is helping us to make great strides as an organisation and we hope to see the fruits of our labour in the upcoming months. However we need your assistance now.
We are reaching and transforming lives. Please help us continue by giving a special offering today. Consider also how you can encourage others to sign up to give a small manageable amount of money each month.
We have started a Go Fund Me for collecting this special donation. Please help us stay afloat. This link will carry you to our GoFundme page: https://gofund.me/c235524a
Thank you
Robert Dixon
You can email donations to my Bank of America account by sending funds to dixonrobert.a@gmail.com
From the United Kingdom
Bank: Citibank
Account Number 11937197
Sort Code: 18-50-08
Reference: for further credit to VMBS account number 25723594 in the name of Operation Restoration Kingston Jamaica
From the United States
Scotiabank Jamaica
80 Half Way Tree Rd., Kingston 10, Jamaica Account number: 601471000 Swift Code: ABA#NOSCJMKN
Local account
Operation Restoration
JM Dollar account Scotiabank Jamaica
80 Half Way Tree Rd Kingston 10, Jamaica Chequing Account 3398-14 Copyright © 2021 Operation Restoration Limited, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
Operation Restoration Limited
12c Collie Smith Drive
Kingston, Saint Andrew Parish
Kingston 12, Kingston KGN12, Jamaica
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ORCSJamaica
Website: http://www.operation-restoration.org/

August 2019 Update
Triumph amidst Trauma
Though the violence continues we still find stories of Triumph
Above is a news feature on the gang warfare happening in Trench Town Below is what we are doing about it!
** Dear Friends
In March 2018 the parent of one of my former students pleaded with me to help rescue her son Shamar. He had left our school in 2016 but dropped out of high school and was getting caught up in the “Socks” gang on Fourth Street in Trench Town. He lives in Jones Town which is a short walk away. I decided to do something. I spoke to him and gave him a job at the school on a meager salary. It was not an easy job to get him to separate from the gang but it happened with the support of my staff especially my Secretary/Bursar Mrs Brown whose home has become his new hang out spot. For over a year he was our bearer and operated our tuck shop. This allowed him to be exposed and to grow so much.
Shamar is now on the National Youth Service Empowerment programme where he has been trained and placed in a job with a coach. Shamar is definitely one life rescued. We pray and hope he will continue rise.
Keeping our students off the streets and connected with us is a priority especially with the violence in the community. Seeing them reading is priceless. We offered them the chance to spend time playing a football game on our Xbox game system or watching movies each day. They had to read for an hour first.
Candace Williams (top left) from Emmanuel Christian Church in Walthamstov London spent a week volunteering at our summer school, which we extended to children six to seventeen in the community. She had a wonderful time and was a blessing to us all. Plan your visit soon!!
Passion Love Transformation
The love and passion that exudes from this photo is still so present in our school.
One lady following the example of her saviour Jesus Christ, made the sacrifice to come to Trench Town 25 years ago. Today, many persons are making that sacrifice as the transformation process continues.
President of our newly formed alumni association Mr. Deron Powell says that the school has made such a life changing impact on their lives that it is their burning desire “to give back.” Their main focus will be to help with the development of the school as well as assistance for needy students. They are partnering with the school to host a celebratory/fund raising event in recognition of this noteworthy milestone, where Mrs Stanley and teachers past and present will be honoured.
This celebration will be held at the Ambassador Theater in Trench Town on Friday October 4th, 2019. The community is excited about this event.
There will also be a Church Service on Sunday September 29th at Christian Life Fellowship We need your financial support 1. Finances for our 25th Anniversary Celebrations. Estimated cost US$700 2. Fans for our classrooms to keep our student cool. Cost US$400
Please consider making a donation. It will make a great impact.
From the United Kingdom
Bank: Citibank
Account Number 11937197
Sort Code: 18-50-08
Reference number: VMBS account number 25723594 in the name of Operation Restoration
From the Jamaica
Bank of Nova Scotia
82-84 Half-Way Tree Road
Account Number 3398-14