Membership in the UJAA USA is open to all Jamaican Primary, Secondary or Tertiary school alumni associations.
Nonprofit organizations whose focus is on education within the United States are also eligible for membership in UJAA USA.
Membership strengthens your Alumni Association by allowing all associations to work collectively towards accomplishing our goals.
Membership gives you the pride and satisfaction to know that you are making a difference to the present and future of education in Jamaica and your community here in the US.
Member Benefits
- A web page for each member to promote their association
- Publication of member events on the UJAA website
- Email broadcast of member events
- Opportunity to participate in the Annual Mega Raffle Fundraiser
- The advantage of using its NAEIR membership to purchases supplies for their alma mater
- Promotion of member Association on all UJAA’s marketing materials
- Inclusion of member accomplishments in UJAA’s blog
- Opportunity to participate in community events such as -Meritone Family Fun Day and Jerk Fest.
- Invitation by major corporations to their events and sponsored community events
- Networking opportunities with other alumni associations
- Assistance with gaining non-profit status
- Assistance in seeking new members
- Representation as Community Leader to Jamaica’s Diaspora and the education leadership in Jamaica
- Liaison with Education policy makers in Jamaica
To become a member please download and mail the completed application.
Along with your check (or) you may pay online using the button below. A $5 convenience fee is assessed to cover the PayPal charges if paying online.