Manning’s Past Students Association New York Chapter

School Motto: “Life Without Learning is Death”
The Manning’s Past Students Association, New York Chapter was established in 1988. The mission of the association is to build fellowship among past students as well as assist with fostering support to preserve the academic excellence at our alma mater. Our objectives are:
- To encourage link between the school and past students in order to facilitate ideas of improvements and assistance for the school.
- To encourage the fellowship among past students of Manning’s as well as fellowship between other alumni associations within the New York area.
- To encourage shared participation in community activities with other organizations with similar purpose.
Executive Board (Sept 2016 – Sept 2018):
Paulette Porteous Cole, M.D, President
Jawara (Junior) Blake Vice President
Kevin K.O. Sangster, Esq. Immediate Past President
Elaine Jarrett, M.S.Ed. Secretary
Marjorie Foster Amos Assistant Secretary (Two-time Past President)
Carmen Glover, M.S.Ed. Public Relations Officer
Rupert Thompson Treasurer
Jacqueline Josephs-Haughton Assistant Treasurer
Contact Us:
P.O. Box 100627
Brooklyn NY 11210
Email Address:
Phone: 914-632-2806