Knockalva International Alumni Association, Inc., (KIAA)
The Knockalva International Alumni Association, Inc., (KIAA) was registered as a 501 (C) 3 corporation in August, 2021. The primary purpose of this not-for-profit organization is to support the mission, vision, and goals of Knockalva Polytechnic College (KPC). Having identified some critical needs at KPC, we are in the process of building capacity, especially in North America, to embark on a very ambitious agenda to help KPC realize its potential.
Although our needs assessment is still in progress a number of needs and opportunities have already been identified for targeted support and investment. They range from lab upgrades to natural resource management.
One urgent need that has already been identified is support for financially disadvantaged students. KIAA has, therefore, made a commitment to provide scholarships for twenty-five incoming first-year students in academic year 2022-2023. These scholarships are for students with substantial financial need and will cover 50% of the tuition assessed to these students for the academic year. Although this initiative is for a single year, KIAA is in the process of developing additional scholarships for which promising students with need will be eligible to apply after this first year.
For more information please visit: Knockalva alumni (wordpress.com)
Executive Board:
Dr. Gersham Nelson, Chair/President gershamn@outlook.com
Mr. Leon Cummings, Director of Communications llcumsy@gmail.com
Mr. Carlenton Campbell, Secretary carlentoncampbell@yahoo.com
Mr. Howard McMorris, Treasure howardmcmorris26@gmail.com
Ms. Hortense Harris-Garvey, Associate Director of Communications hgarvey77@gmail.com